Concatenation Field on Subject Outlook Form

Yesterday, I was ordered to modify a custom form on Ms Outlook 2007. I had been looking around vbscript for outlook all day. Well actually no need goes too far from modifying properties he he :D
{Kemarin aku, disuruh buat custom form di Ms Outlook 2007. Udah puyeng2 nyari di google tentang vbscript buat outlook seharian, ternyata cuman perlu ngubah di properti hehe}
My purpose is way to set/display concatenation of Customer ID and Customer name on Subject textbox automatically while inputting data on Customer ID and Customer name textbox.
{Tujuannya membuat/menampilkan gabungan field Customer ID & Customer name di textbox Subject secara otomatis saat memasukan data di textbox Customer ID & Customer name}

1. Assume you’ve create 2 field, CID for Customer ID and CustomerName for Customer Name.
{Anggap kamu telah punya 2 field CID buat Customer ID & CustomerName buat Customer Name}2. Set Control as follow {Atur control seperti gambar dibawah}

3. Right Click on Subject textbox-> Properties -> Value, and set initial value as follow.
{klik kanan di textbox subject -> Properties -> Value, lalu atur initial value seperti gambar sibawah}

4. Make sure Option: “Calculate this formula automatically “ selected to run automate concatenation while inputting. {pastikan Option: “Calculate this formula automatically “ terpilih agar terotomasi saat input data}5. Push OK button, and try to run and send an email. {Tekan OK lalu coba di-run dan kirim email}

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Anonymous said…
Beau apaan nich...susah kali ya?